Looking for Ways to Improve your Energy Levels and Boost your Immune System? Have you heard of the power of medicinal mushrooms?

Medicinal mushrooms have been used for their medicinal properties for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and have recently become more widely popular as scientific studies have repeatedly confirmed their health-boosting properties. The active compounds which are abundant in mushrooms have a wide-range of health benefits, including supporting the immune system response to viral … Read more


The Thief of Time Procrastination ?  What is it? The dictionary definition identifies it as’ the act or habit of putting something off’.  Latin   pro- onward   and   crastinus – tomorrow. Is it in your nature or part of your personality, or is it a learned behaviour?  Or is it just laziness, lethargy and putting something … Read more

Be Heart-ful, Be Mindful

by Simon Heale LCSP NRHP at Chelsea Natural Health, Fulham Road, SW10 Mindfulness Teacher and Coach Are you suffering from any of these: anxiety, stress-related conditions, work crises, family issues, hopelessness, boredom, career issues, relationship stagnation, unhelpful and damaging habits such as smoking or eating issues…..then perhaps this article could give you the space you … Read more