Therapy and Treatment rooms to hire / rent at Chelsea Natural Health, Fulham Road, SW10

Here at Chelsea Natural Health we have 3 rooms available to hire by practitioners and therapists. All rooms have windows, natural light and sinks. Two of the rooms have permanent treatment couches that are height adjustable (hydraulic / electric) and desks. The third room, which we call the Garden Room because of the wonderful view it has over the gardens at the back of the building, is a room more suited to the spoken word therapies such as Hypnotherapy and Counselling, but we have a portable treatment couch that can be used in the room for the more manual types of therapy such as massage, acupuncture, shiatsu and osteopathy.
Rents, are we think reasonable and we do offer an initial discount to new practitioners. Included in the regular agreement are towels, cleaning, reception (including use of the 24/7 online booking facility, inclusion in the marketing activities of the clinic and use of all the clinic facilities). We are also very lucky to have on our walls an extensive collection of fantastic art courtesy of Tanya Baxter Contemporary Art Gallery. All of these works are for sale and we act as a 2nd gallery space for the the gallery.
Chelsea Natural Health Clinic is based in a lovely part of London, being on the Fulham Road in SW10 just opposite the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. We are well placed in terms of catchment for central, west and south-west London including postcodes SW1, SW3, SW5, SW7, SW11, SW15, SW17, SW18, W6 and W8. We are outside the congestion charge zone and well served by local bus routes and within walking distance of South Kensington, Gloucester Road, Earls Court and Fulham Broadway Tube stations.

Rooms are available at various times during the week so if you are looking for a treatment or therapy room to hire / rent in Chelsea please call us on 0207 352 3087or use the form below to contact us.