Sports Hypnosis and Sports Psychology

About Sports Hypnosis and Sports Psychology Hypnosis has been used in sport for at least the last 50 years, and has recently seen a renewed  interest from both the research community and sports participants. Numerous well-known sports people have used hypnosis in the past, including boxers Frank Bruno, Steve Collins and Nigel Benn, former England … Read more

Stress in the Workplace and Shiatsu

In the UK it is estimated that work-related stress is responsible for six million days of sick leave a year, with stress being linked to many minor and major illnesses. Shiatsu is one of the most practical forms of body work for the corporate environment as it can be carried out with the receiver fully clothed at their desk or on a mat on the floor. No oils are necessary so the receiver can resume working with no fuss or mess.

Philip Waldman Prices

Treatment fees for Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy with Philip Waldman D.O. FSCCO, Registered Osteopath at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, Fulham Rd, SW10 Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy /Cranio-Sacral Osteopathy Initial consultation 45 minutes £95 Follow up 30 minutes £75

Reiki with Simon Heale

 at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, 208 Fulham Rd, SW10 Reiki is a hands on system of energy healing and balancing which works on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE (Rei) and ENERGY (Ki) is channelled through the therapist and felt generally as a beautiful heat by the recipient, resulting in a … Read more