Shiatsu Shown to Improve Health

The following press release has been reproduced on this site by Jan Murphy MRSS from Chelsea Natural Health Clinic SW10


“Shiatsu Shown to Improve Health”

Recent research carried out by the University of Leeds on behalf of the European Shiatsu Federation establishes that Shiatsu massage treatment:

Improves health and wellbeing

Is safe

Can benefit specific conditions

Suggests a role for Shiatsu in public health

The study, carried out by Professor A.F. Long of the School of Healthcare, took place in Austria, Spain and the UK in 2006 and 2007.

Research Results:

Increased relaxation and a sense of calm

Being more energised

Being better able to cope

A reduction of symptoms of stress and tension

Improvement of problems with muscles and joints, including back-pain and postural misalignments

Improvement of energy and reduction of fatigue

Overall improvement in, and confidence about health

Motivation to make positive lifestyle changes particularly with regard to diet and exercise

Improved psychological wellbeing

Changes to the use of conventional medicine and medication

Some Health Policy Implications

A potential role for Shiatsu in public health is strongly suggested due to its ability to improve general wellbeing, increase health awareness, and promote good health.

Most importantly, Shiatsu poses no significant risks to clients, the positive benefits are maintained over time, and there is a reduction in the use of conventional medicine, medication and working time lost due to ill health. These are indicative of an added value and potential economic benefit from Shiatsu treatment.

Key Shiatsu Benefits

It relaxes mind & body

It restores & balances energy

It eases tension & stiffness

It helps posture

It promotes motivation

It is compatible with other medical treatments


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