Shaking off the cobwebs in time for Summer

with Jan Murphy MRSS at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, 208 Fulham Rd., SW10. For one month only, 20% discount I don’t know about you but around this time of year, I truly embrace getting prepared for the Summer months and times of change. To show good spirit, I’m offering you a 20% discount this month … Read more

International Women’s Day

by Jan Murphy MRSS at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, 208 Fulham Rd., Sw10. According to Shiatsu Therapist and Bodyworker, Jan Murphy, simple steps – including gentle complementary therapies – can be of positive help in treating problems such as impotence, pre-menstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms. We all know that improving our diet, giving up smoking … Read more

Prepare Spring Macrobiotic Meals

advised by Jan Murphy MRSS at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, Fulham Rd., SW10. Jan Murphy MRSS, Shiatsu Practitioner & Bodyworker shares some tips about Spring Nutrition and recommends that you work with the seasons’ to keep your  body working to it’s optimum. Macrobiotic diets are guided by changing seasons, by climate. Yin and Yang, cold … Read more

Assisting Yourselves by Jan Murphy MRSS, Shiatsu Therapist & Bodyworker.

Assisting Yourselves by Jan Murphy MRSS,  Shiatsu Therapist & Bodyworker at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, 208 Fulham Rd, Sw10 I wish to write to my clients out there who only come to me for Shiatsu and bodywork when they get an injury and/or are in pain of some form. I would like you all to … Read more