Sports Shiatsu With Jan Murphy MRSS

at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, Fulham Rd, SW10 Exercising is one of the most important things we can do to promote ongoing physical and mental health. Some of us exercise regularly, some erratically, some go for the burn’ while others prefer gentle stretching. However you do it, exercising not only helps weight loss, controls food … Read more

Shiatsu Massage for Pregnancy and Birth

by Jan Murphy MRSS atChelsea Natural Health Clinic, Fulham Rd, SW10 A pregnant woman has special needs as her body changes with the developing baby. Shiatsu massage, when properly applied during pregnancy and labour, is soothing, safe, natural, and effective. Shiatsu massage can safely eliminate or reduce many of the normal discomforts of pregnancy including: … Read more

Shiatsu and Building the Immune System

by Jan Murphy MRSS at Chelsea Natural health Clinic, Fulham Rd, SW10 An imbalanced immune system can inhibit any healing action and deepen or aggravate many existing diseases. A weak immune system, as a pathological pattern, creates a vicious circle in which the body is more susceptible to the invasion of disease. In turn the … Read more

Shiatsu Shown to Improve Health

The following press release has been reproduced on this site by Jan Murphy MRSS from Chelsea Natural Health Clinic SW10 PRESS RELEASE “Shiatsu Shown to Improve Health” Recent research carried out by the University of Leeds on behalf of the European Shiatsu Federation establishes that Shiatsu massage treatment: Improves health and wellbeing Is safe Can … Read more

Jan Murphy MRSS Shiatsu and Japanese Bodyworker

The Japanese healing art of Shiatsu (literally meaning ‘finger pressure’) is based on more than 3,500 years of Asian medicine and modern anatomy & physiology theory. Shiatsu, like most traditional Asian medical practices, is a holistic therapy that addresses at once the body’s physical, emotional, mental and energetic systems.

Shiatsu with Jan Murphy MRSS

Shiatsu is an elegant, restorative, sometimes truly relaxing therapeutic experience. At other times, it can be revitalising and replenishing. In Shiatsu, touch is the most significant method of diagnosing your energy levels, I may lightly touch the diagnostic areas on the abdomen (called Hara in Japanese) or the back that relate to each meridian. A case history is taken to attain information about you, your medical history, aches and pains, sleep patterns and dietary preferences. These methods allow me to diagnose your current condition from an Oriental Medicine perspective.

Stress in the Workplace and Shiatsu

In the UK it is estimated that work-related stress is responsible for six million days of sick leave a year, with stress being linked to many minor and major illnesses. Shiatsu is one of the most practical forms of body work for the corporate environment as it can be carried out with the receiver fully clothed at their desk or on a mat on the floor. No oils are necessary so the receiver can resume working with no fuss or mess.