Improve your Sleep with Acupuncture ?

There is a reason that you may feel as if you are falling apart after being up all night long, – it’s because you are! Kind of literally!….Hormones that get you through your daily activities, namely Cortisol – make your body breakdown and use its resources to go hunting, foraging or nesting (or nowadays commute, work and function in the modern world). All our body’s maintenance and repair work is suppressed all day long so we can keep on going, it isn’t until we are asleep that these processes kick in to repair the damage. So by the time we reach bedtime we actually are disintegrating!

The Growth Hormone rules by night, nerve pathways that were closed by day now open up and the intense repair of inflammation commences. Did you know that if we were to be awake during this process it would actually feel painful?! The body’s nightly healing and restoration is vital for good health. 

The importance of good quality sleep is not underestimated in TCM. Sleep is seen as part of the natural rhythm of yin and yang in the body.

When we sleep, yin is the dominant force in the body. While during the day, when we are active, yang dominates. Insomnia is a sign of a disruption to one’s natural rhythm of yin and yang. Acupuncture helps restore good quality sleep to those with disrupted sleep patterns by addressing a huge host of sleep issues. 

The following are some all too common complaints that acupuncture sessions can help with to return good quality sleep to you:

-night sweats

-night terrors

-dream disturbed sleep

-needing to get up in the night to urinate (nocturia)

-restlessness (mind and/or body)

-worrying before bed

-inability to fall asleep quickly 

-difficulty ‘switching off’

-waking up in the night and unable to fall back to sleep

Please get in touch if you have an issue that is affecting your sleep and would like more information. ?

[button link=”mailto:alexandra Ross” color=”green” target=”_blank”]Email Alexandra[/button] or call  0781 440 4249  

 You can also follow me on Instagram @alexandraacupuncture for healthcare tips.



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