at Chelsea Natura Health Clinic, 208 Fulham Road, Sw10.
Pregnancy Thai Yoga Massage is a wonderful type of massage that can be experienced safely and happily throughout pregnancy. It utilises massage techniques along with acupressure, reflexology and yoga methods to help the body and mind relax and improve the natural flow of energy. This helps to remove blockages and allow a free flow of energy which places the body back into balance thereby improving health and healing.
Thai Pregnancy massage can be performed with the mother lying on her side which is very comfortable especially during the later months of pregnancy. Changes in body shape and increased weight often causes postural imbalances during pregnancy. This leads to backache, calf and leg pain and tension in the shoulders. Pregnancy thai massage is very effective in releasing tension in the back and calf muscles and improving general body alignment and posture. It is relaxing and at the same time energising
Pregnancy Thai Yoga Massage can help reduce water retention, especially around the feet and ankles and improves the blood circulation. It can also safely support the inducement of an overdue baby.
Thai yoga massage is great at relieving the lower back of all those aches and pains associated with the weight of carrying the little one(s) and is very effective at relieving sciatica and leg tension. At the end of the massage a serene sense of calm and and yet revitalisation are shared by both mother and baby.