Lumbago is defined as pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back. It’s a fair broad definition and covers a wide variety of causes for pain.
Osteopathy is very well placed to deal with lumbago as as osteopaths we treat the underlying mechanical causes of the lumbago. It might be that you have a tight or unbalanced pelvis, or a tight mid-back, both of which will place extra strain on your low-back, causing it to, well, complain. It could be that you have weak core muscles, or mechanical problems due to previous injuries or trauma.
More often than not, it is a case of taking the strain and pressure off the low back so it can rest and heal. Osteopathic treatment combined with exercises and postural / life-style advice is a proven approach that has helped countless people.
If you suffer from lumbago and would like to see one of our osteopath, Philip Waldman, please feel free to contact us here at Chelsea Natural Health on the Fulham Road in London SW10.
[box color=”green”]Practitioners[/box][rev_slider osteopathy] [box color=”green”]Prices & Bookings[/box] [tabs][tab_item title=”Philip”]Philip WaldmanInitial Consultation
£85.00 – 45 minutes
Follow-Up Consultation
£65.00 – 30 minutes
£120.00 – 60 minutes
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