Acupuncture can help treating migraines


Migraines are severe headache disorders which can last for 4-72 hours and involve pain of moderate to severe intensity (IHS 2004). 

According to the British Acupuncture Council research, acupuncture can be used successfully as prevention as well as to alleviate symptoms in acute attacks (Li 2009).

From an acupuncture point of view, migraines are caused by underlying weakness in Liver energy which can also affect other energy pathways such as Bladder and Gallbladder.

Migraines can be accompanied with neurological symptoms such as:numbness or tingling, weakness, dizziness or vertigo, disturbed speech and hearing, memory changes, feelings of fear and confusion, and more rarely, partial paralysis or fainting, nausea and photophobia.

Migraines can also manifest as pre or post menstrual or during ovulation. Hormonally, it occurs when the level of oestrogen declines too quickly.

Migraines can be also triggered by emotions or by allergy – and in both of these cases, problem is again in underlying weakness of Liver energy.

During the acupuncture treatment, great care and consideration is given to the unique individual energetic constitution of each patient. The treatment is then tailored to address the weakness in the body which is causing the migraines. Rebalancing and healing body back to normal takes some time, and patience is always needed when addressing chronic conditions such as migraines.

Frequency of the treatment depends on many factors such as acuteness and severity of the condition and whether or not the patient is on any medications which can often put a great burden on Liver energy.


Eva works in Fulham SW10 London every Saturday & at other times by request.

For any questions and equiries you can contact Eva Zivcakova on  0790 380 6463  or [button link=” Zivcakova” color=”green” target=”_blank”]Email Eva[/button]

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